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Coast Guard Yerba Buena

San Francisco, CA

Project Square Footage

~ 34,000 s.f.

Market Sector


Project Type


Year Completed


Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) was hired to provide support in the creation of construction documents for the renovation and rehabilitation of buildings located at the Yerba Buena Coast Guard site. The buildings of interest included a 4,165 s.f. new Boat Maintenance / Public Works Engineering Building and existing dorm and office buildings.

The client was provided with AutoCAD files of the completed construction documents that included: demo and new plans; roof plans; interior and exterior elevations; reflected ceiling plans; and building, wall, and stair sections.

These construction documents helped to plan for existing buildings receiving new finishes, systems, doors, and renovated bathrooms. One of the buildings rehabilitated a floor and transformed it into an exercise and weight room.

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