Woodbridge High School
Irvine, CA

Project Square Footage
11,635 s.f.
Market Sector
Project Type
K - 12
Year Completed
Woodbridge High School was in need of modernization work, including the replacement of the gymnasium flooring.
After demolition of the existing flooring was completed, it was discovered that the concrete slab subfloor’s flatness was out of tolerance per the specifications of the new flooring. It was difficult, however, to identify exactly which areas needed correction and to what degree.
Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) was brought in to scan the existing conditions and map the variations in level.
The color intensity map (pictured above) identifies variations in the height of the existing concrete floor slab. Variations are shown with an eight color spectrum. Each color represents 1/4 of an inch change in elevation. The color spectrum repeats at two inch intervals.
A benchmark is given at the centerline of the court along the face of the southern wall. This benchmark is set at an elevation of 0.0 inches and represents the approximate high point of the gymnasium floor slab. A 5’-0” x 5’-0” grid overlay is positioned to start at the benchmark and is set orthogonal to the south wall.
A total of eight scans were performed to gather the data necessary to create an as-built floor plan of the gym.