Santiago High School
Garden Grove, CA

Project Square Footage
~ 155,843 s.f.
Market Sector
Project Type
K - 12
Year Completed
Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) was hired to provide Total Station and hand-held laser range finder surveys for the creation of existing conditions 2D as-builts for the school site. The items on campus that were surveyed and as-built were: floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, roof plans, and covered walkways and relocatable buildings.
The 2D as-builts were created for use by the design team to serve as the base files for the creation of construction documents for renovation purposes.
The school site was among 33 others in the Garden Grove Unified School District that were documented by ARC. A total of 34 schools were surveyed and had as-builts delivered on time within an 8-week period.